ABRSM Exam Qualifications


All ABRSM exams (theory, practical and performance) attract qualifications recognised and regulated by Ofqual (England’s Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation). This page provides for a general overview ABRSM exam accreditation.

Regulated qualifications framework (RQF)

Within England, Wales and Northern Ireland, all ABRSM exams sit within the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) – intended to describe qualifications that Ofqual regulates, as well as showing how they relate to each other and providing consistency in how the size, challenge or demand of a qualification is described.

UCAS points

Students with ABRSM qualifications at Grades 6, 7 and 8 benefit from UCAS (University and Colleges Admission Service) points, which can be used as part of a university or college application in the UK.

All ABRSM exams are accredited by Ofqual and RQF. Grades 6 and above attract UCAS points. ABRSM exams motivate achievement and support progression. They lay good foundations for music-making, whilst encouraging students to reach their full potential. 

UK qualifications at the same level

ABRSM exam (theory, practical, performance)UK qualifications at the same level
Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3GCSE (grades D-G and 3-1)
Grade 4, Grade 5GCSE (grade A* and 9-4)
Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8AS Level and A Level, BTEC Nationals

UCAS points

Students with ABRSM qualifications at Grades 6, 7 and 8 benefit from UCAS (University and Colleges Admission Service) points, which can be used as part of a university or college application in the UK.

ABRSM exam (theory, practical, performance)UCAS points
Grade 6 practical/performance
Grade 6 theory
Pass 8, Merit 10, Distinction 12
Pass 4, Merit 5, Distinction 6
Grade 7 practical/performance
Grade 7 theory
Pass 12, Merit 14, Distinction 16
Pass 6, Merit 7, Distinction 8
Grade 8 practical/performance
Grade 8 theory
Pass 18, Merit 24, Distinction 30
Pass 8, Merit 9, Distinction 10

Further information

You can find more information about Ofqual and the RQF at www.ofqual.co.uk. For more detailed information on exam accreditation, you can also visit the ABRSM website at www.abrsm.org