Scholarship Preparation

We identify and create an individually tailored programme for tuition in a number of areas tested (see below) whether your child requires simply an assessment for readiness to sit a scholarship, a one-off lesson or a structured learning/revision programme over a period of time.

Scholarship Assessment Criteria

Candidates may be tested in the following areas most commonly assessed as part of a Music Scholarship audition

  • performance (instruments 1 & 2)
  • technique
  • scales (on each instrument)
  • sight reading/singing
  • rudiments of theory
  • aural skills
  • composition
  • knowledge of musical styles
  • orchestral Instrumentation

Chelsea Quavers works in support of your child’s current music education programme to provide comprehensive advice and guidance relating to the overall scholarship process and details of the various audition requirements of the school/s of your choice.

Recent Audition Successes

Chelsea Quavers’ pupils awarded Music Scholarships or Bursaries to Cheltenham Ladies College, Salisbury Cathedral School, Latymer Upper School, Dauntsey’s, Academy of Contemporary Music and National Youth Orchestra.


An initial meeting to discuss your child with our Principal, Mrs Claire Meyer, is recommended. Please click here to contact her, M 0203 794 6200, E

We work with pupils to manage the scholarship audition process.